INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./ILL_IN4.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./ILL_IN4.out INFO: === Simulation 'ILL_IN4' (ILL_IN4.instr): running on 16 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize [ILL_IN4] Initialize ILL_IN4: Thermal ToF spectrometer Divergence at the lead shutter: dX =2.2026 [deg] Take-off at monochromator: A1 =-20.964 [deg] ; DM=1.677 [Angs] Incident energy: Ei =56.8085 [meV] ; Ki=5.23599 [Angs-1] Incident velocity: Vi =3296.7 [m/s] Source-Mono distance: LRM =10.2086 [m] Virtual Source-Mono distance: d0 =3.52555 [m] Mono-Sample distance: LMS =1.94553 [m] (d1) Curvature at monochromator: RMH =-7.00816 [m] ; RMV=-1.9 [m] Fermi Chopper Frequency: nu =335.376 [Hz] ; rpm=20122.6 [rpm] BC2 phase wrt BC1: PhiBC2=-22.5 [deg] L12=2.45746 [m] delay t12=0.000745432 [s] (BCTR) FC phase wrt BC1: PhiFC =-196.999 [deg] L1F=5.37909 [m] delay t1F=0.00163166 [s] Distances: in [m] [H12] 6.1 [BC1] 0.583 [VS] 1.87446 [BC2] 1.65109 [PG] 1.27053 [FC] 0.675 [Spl] 2 [Det] Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 783912 values that should be 784 x 912 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 816663 values that should be 817 x 663 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 826898 values that should be 827 x 898 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 849415 values that should be 850 x 415 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 861697 values that should be 862 x 697 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 867838 values that should be 868 x 838 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 869885 values that should be 870 x 885 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 873979 values that should be 874 x 979 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 888307 values that should be 889 x 307 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 892401 values that should be 893 x 401 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 902636 values that should be 903 x 636 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 908777 values that should be 909 x 777 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 912871 values that should be 913 x 871 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 953811 values that should be 954 x 811 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 176040 values that should be 177 x 952 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 155570 values that should be 157 x 468 Generate 100 Dirac peaks on (q,w) grid. ILL_IN4: WARNING: The choppers are NOT in closed position phase12=-22.5 [deg]. Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 183337 values that should be 184 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 40048 values that should be 41 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 17532 values that should be 18 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 150585 values that should be 151 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 138303 values that should be 139 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 130115 values that should be 131 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 126021 values that should be 127 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 107599 values that should be 108 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 132162 values that should be 133 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 111693 values that should be 112 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 97364 values that should be 98 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 91223 values that should be 92 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 87129 values that should be 88 x 1000 Warning: Read_Table :Dirac2D.sqw Data has 46189 values that should be 47 x 1000 [ILL_IN4] Initialize Source_gen: component Thermal (square 0.1 x 0.1) focusing distance dist=5.2 area=0.1 x 0.1 spectra 1.100 to 1.300 AA (48.408 to 67.612 meV) T1=683.7 K (1.178 AA), T2=257.7 K (1.919 AA), T3=16.7 K (7.539 AA) Flux is dPhi/dlambda in [n/s/cm2]. Source_gen: component Thermal2 (square 0.1 x 0.1) focusing distance dist=5.2 area=0.1 x 0.1 spectra 0.500 to 0.700 AA (166.959 to 327.240 meV) T1=683.7 K (1.178 AA), T2=257.7 K (1.919 AA), T3=16.7 K (7.539 AA) Flux is dPhi/dlambda in [n/s/cm2]. Source_gen: component Thermal3 (square 0.1 x 0.1) focusing distance dist=5.2 area=0.1 x 0.1 spectra 0.300 to 0.500 AA (327.240 to 909.000 meV) T1=683.7 K (1.178 AA), T2=257.7 K (1.919 AA), T3=16.7 K (7.539 AA) Flux is dPhi/dlambda in [n/s/cm2]. Source_gen: component Thermal4 (square 0.1 x 0.1) focusing distance dist=5.2 area=0.1 x 0.1 spectra 0.200 to 0.400 AA (511.312 to 2045.250 meV) T1=683.7 K (1.178 AA), T2=257.7 K (1.919 AA), T3=16.7 K (7.539 AA) Flux is dPhi/dlambda in [n/s/cm2]. Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/Al2O3_sapphire.trm' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/HOPG.rfl' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/HOPG.trm' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/Al.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/Al.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/V.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/V.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: is a box: width=0.050000 height=0.050000 depth=0.001000 Opening input file 'Dirac2D.sqw' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file 'Dirac2D.sqw' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file 'Dirac2D.sqw' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file 'Dirac2D.sqw' (Table_Read_Offset) Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: Computing scattering unit density V_rho=0.602214 [AA^-3] from density=1 [g/cm^3] weight=1 [g/mol]. Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: S(q,w) data from Dirac2D.sqw (coh) assumed to be classical (symmetrised in energy). Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: Generated Dirac2D.sqw coherent Sqw q=[0:15.6923 Angs-1] w=[0:283.758 meV] |S|=0.284838 size=[1000x1999] sigma=1 [barns] normalization factor S(q,w)*21.4141 (auto) \int q^2 S(q) dq=59.5952 Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: Sample temperature not defined (T=0). Warning Disabling detailed balance. Incoherent: SampleV: The target is not defined. Using direct beam (Z-axis). Incoherent: SampleV: Vc=13.827 [Angs] sigma_abs=5.08 [barn] sigma_inc=5.08 [barn] Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/V.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/V.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/Al.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/Al.laz' (Table_Read_Offset) *** TRACE end *** Save [ILL_IN4] Detector: Obt1_I=1.11564e+11 Obt1_ERR=3.98139e+07 Obt1_N=7.85422e+06 "Obt1_1727577378.x_y" Detector: Obt1_lambda_I=1.41494e+11 Obt1_lambda_ERR=4.48368e+07 Obt1_lambda_N=9.96156e+06 "Obt1_lambda_1727577378.L" Detector: Win1_I=9.98162e+10 Win1_ERR=3.33322e+07 Win1_N=8.96946e+06 "Win1_1727577378.x_y" Detector: Win1_lambda_I=5.73523e+10 Win1_lambda_ERR=2.52666e+07 Win1_lambda_N=5.15346e+06 "Win1_lambda_1727577378.L" Detector: BC2_t_I=1.70497e+10 BC2_t_ERR=9.74158e+06 BC2_t_N=3.06384e+06 "BC2_t_1727577378.t" Detector: BC2_t_post_I=1.55032e+10 BC2_t_post_ERR=9.28958e+06 BC2_t_post_N=2.78576e+06 "BC2_t_post_1727577378.t" Detector: Cradle_I=1.56061e+10 Cradle_ERR=9.32034e+06 Cradle_N=2.80424e+06 "Cradle_1727577378.x_y" Detector: Cradle_lambda_I=1.56061e+10 Cradle_lambda_ERR=9.32034e+06 Cradle_lambda_N=2.80424e+06 "Cradle_lambda_1727577378.L" Detector: Cradle_t_I=1.56026e+10 Cradle_t_ERR=9.31931e+06 Cradle_t_N=2.80362e+06 "Cradle_t_1727577378.t" Detector: Mono_xy_I=1.56061e+10 Mono_xy_ERR=9.32034e+06 Mono_xy_N=2.80424e+06 "Mono_xy_1727577378.x_y" Detector: Mono_t_I=2.07096e+09 Mono_t_ERR=1.07524e+06 Mono_t_N=3.71025e+06 "Mono_t_1727577378.t" Detector: FC_Pos_I=5.17994e+08 FC_Pos_ERR=538930 FC_Pos_N=923836 "FC_Pos_1727577378.t" Detector: sample_flux_I=4.35029e+06 sample_flux_ERR=4814.42 sample_flux_N=816500 "sample_flux_1727577378.x_y" Detector: sample_tof_I=9.07389e+06 sample_tof_ERR=9832.87 sample_tof_N=851600 "sample_tof_1727577378.x_t" Detector: sample_lambda_I=9.07389e+06 sample_lambda_ERR=9832.87 sample_lambda_N=851600 "sample_lambda_1727577378.L" Detector: sample_w_I=9.07389e+06 sample_w_ERR=9832.87 sample_w_N=851600 "sample_w_1727577378.E" Detector: sample_qxy_I=8.99838e+06 sample_qxy_ERR=9791.94 sample_qxy_N=844500 "sample_qxy_1727577378.kx_ky" Detector: Detector_I=5.35816e+06 Detector_ERR=17714.6 Detector_N=663830 "Detector_1727577380.th_y" Detector: Detector_sample_I=36165.3 Detector_sample_ERR=94.0202 Detector_sample_N=395085 "Detector_sample_1727577380.th_y" Detector: Detector_env_I=54387.6 Detector_env_ERR=920.082 Detector_env_N=41854 "Detector_env_1727577380.th_y" Detector: Detector_Sqw_I=21429.8 Detector_Sqw_ERR=73.8405 Detector_Sqw_N=115152 "Sqw_full.dat" Detector: Detector_qe_I=48739.8 Detector_qe_ERR=116.424 Detector_qe_N=239479 "Detector_qe_1727577380.A_E" Detector: Detector_SqwV_I=8800.4 Detector_SqwV_ERR=19.0835 Detector_SqwV_N=297921 "Sqw_filtered.dat" Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Detector: Detector_qeV_I=8753.57 Detector_qeV_ERR=19.0376 Detector_qeV_N=295481 "Detector_qeV_1727577380.A_E" Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [ILL_IN4: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: 155845 neutron events (out of 425852) that should have scattered were transmitted because scattering conditions WARNING could not be satisfied after 100 tries. Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: 15 neutron events (out of 270007) reached WARNING unrealistic weight. The S(q,w) norm might be too high. Isotropic_Sqw: SampleS: Scattering fraction=0.042055 of incoming intensity Absorption fraction =0 Single scattering intensity =58026.9 (coh=58026.9 inc=0) Multiple scattering intensity =0 INFO: Placing instr file copy ILL_IN4.instr in dataset 1 INFO: Placing generated c-code copy ILL_IN4.c in dataset 1