INFO: Using directory: "8" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Test_Monochromators.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Test_Monochromators.out INFO: === Test_Monochromators: Using Single_crystal Geometry of scattering: A1 17.3471 A2 34.6943 [Test_Monochromators] Initialize Table from file '' (catenated) is empty. Opening input file '/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/C_graphite.lau' (Table_Read_Offset) Mode: Direct mode lattice Single_crystal: C_graphite.lau structure a=[0,2.13389,-1.232] b=[0,0,2.464] c=[6.711,0,0] V0=35.2858 Single_crystal: Mono6: Read 290 reflections from file 'C_graphite.lau' Single_crystal: Mono6: Vc=35.2858 [Angs] sigma_abs=0.014 [barn] sigma_inc=0.004 [barn] reflections=C_graphite.lau Direct space lattice orientation: a = [0 2.13389 -1.232] b = [0 0 2.464] c = [6.711 0 0] Reciprocal space lattice orientation: a* = [0 2.94447 0] b* = [-0 1.47224 2.54999] c* = [0.936252 -0 0] NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.8.2 of the NCrystal library. NOTE: CPU COMPONENT grammar activated: 1) "FUNNEL" raytrace algorithm enabled. 2) Any SPLIT's are dynamically allocated based on available buffer size. Save [Test_Monochromators] Detector: lamStart_I=0.00100508 lamStart_ERR=4.49483e-07 lamStart_N=5e+06 "lambdaStart.dat" Detector: Sphere1_I=0.000173541 Sphere1_ERR=3.45496e-07 Sphere1_N=4.99512e+06 "sphere.dat" Detector: lam1_I=0.000101286 lam1_ERR=2.9067e-07 lam1_N=1.00401e+06 "lambda1.dat" Detector: psd1_I=0.000101255 psd1_ERR=2.90668e-07 psd1_N=991525 "psd1.dat" Detector: psd2_I=0.000130354 psd2_ERR=3.41986e-07 psd2_N=1.35819e+06 "psd2.dat" Detector: psd3_I=0.000130354 psd3_ERR=3.41986e-07 psd3_N=1.35819e+06 "psd3.dat" Detector: L3_I=0.000101255 L3_ERR=2.90668e-07 L3_N=991525 "L3.dat" Detector: T3_I=0.000101255 T3_ERR=2.90668e-07 T3_N=991511 "T3.dat" Finally [Test_Monochromators: 8]. Time: 3 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy Test_Monochromators.instr in dataset 8 INFO: Placing generated c-code copy Test_Monochromators.c in dataset 8