INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Test_MCPL_output.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Test_MCPL_output.out INFO: === [Test_MCPL_output] Initialize MCPL_output verbose mode: after generating the mcpl-file a summary will be printed. MCPL ERROR: Unable to open file! *** TRACE end *** Save [Test_MCPL_output] Detector: m1_I=2.46086e+11 m1_ERR=1.0851e+10 m1_N=1000 "m1_1727576253.L" Detector: m2_I=2.46086e+11 m2_ERR=1.0851e+10 m2_N=1000 "m2_1727576253.x_y" Detector: m3_I=2.46086e+11 m3_ERR=1.0851e+10 m3_N=1000 "m3_1727576253.t" Detector: m4_I=2.46086e+11 m4_ERR=1.0851e+10 m4_N=1000 "m4_1727576253.E" --- MCPL outputfile includes this binary blob: --- Finally [Test_MCPL_output: 1]. Time: 0 [s] MCPL: Attempting to compress file voutput.mcpl with gzip MCPL: Succesfully compressed file into voutput.mcpl.gz MCPL output summary from 1/voutput.mcpl.gz Opened MCPL file voutput.mcpl.gz: Basic info Format : MCPL-3 No. of particles : 1000 Header storage : 2526 bytes Data storage : 36000 bytes Custom meta data Source : "McStas 3.x-dev Test_MCPL_output" Number of comments : 2 -> comment 0 : "Output by COMPONENT: vout" -> comment 1 : "userflags: Neutron Id" Number of blobs : 2 -> 2299 bytes of data with key "mccode_instr_file" -> 42 bytes of data with key "mccode_cmd_line" Particle data format User flags : yes Polarisation info : no Fixed part. type : yes (pdgcode 2112) Fixed part. weight : no FP precision : single Endianness : little Storage : 36 bytes/particle index pdgcode ekin[MeV] x[cm] y[cm] z[cm] ux uy uz time[ms] weight userflags 0 2112 8.9729e-10 0.4778 -0.18263 0 -0.013256 0.026688 0.99956 0.32755 2.8613e+07 0x00000120 1 2112 6.4626e-09 -0.23895 0.44823 0 0.027883 0.034191 0.99903 0.094106 4.0328e+08 0x00000121 2 2112 9.7706e-09 -0.38175 0.34506 0 0.045937 -0.027352 0.99857 0.77525 4.2568e+08 0x00000122 3 2112 5.2427e-09 -0.03615 0.11057 0 0.015091 -0.025179 0.99957 0.96867 3.6663e+08 0x00000123 4 2112 2.1856e-09 -0.31576 0.45166 0 -0.031278 0.038745 0.99876 0.65238 1.4275e+08 0x00000124 5 2112 1.078e-09 -0.18153 0.46457 0 -0.04681 0.029677 0.99846 0.93306 4.1202e+07 0x00000125 6 2112 7.4429e-10 0.025459 -0.21875 0 0.030894 0.042715 0.99861 0.31646 1.9289e+07 0x00000126 7 2112 2.1872e-09 -0.16707 -0.1607 0 0.0086627 -0.00084071 0.99996 0.14466 1.4359e+08 0x00000127 8 2112 6.3626e-09 0.31489 0.055475 0 0.014591 0.0025977 0.99989 0.4392 4.0247e+08 0x00000128 9 2112 1.065e-09 0.051983 0.16977 0 -0.015202 0.011873 0.99981 0.35384 4.0449e+07 0x00000129 INFO: Placing instr file copy Test_MCPL_output.instr in dataset 1 INFO: Placing generated c-code copy Test_MCPL_output.c in dataset 1