INFO: Using directory: "4"
INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Samples_Incoherent.c
INFO: Using existing binary: ./Samples_Incoherent.out
INFO: ===
****   This is ISIS_moderator.comp version 2.0 (25/8/05)          ****
****   Please check to see if your files are up-to-date           ****
****   ****

Face == hydrogen 
Energy == 1.66937 327.196
nEnergy == 84
Viewport == 0.005 0.005 Moderator size == (0.12 * 0.115) m^2 
Dist == 8.299 (metres) 
Viewport Solid angle == 0.000200361 str
Solid angle used == 5.00903e-05 str
Error: You are attempting to use an OFF geometry without -DUSE_OFF. You will need to recompile with that define set!
Opening -- /u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/data/ISIS_tables/TS2.hydrogen
[Samples_Incoherent] Initialize
Incoherent: Vsample: The target is not defined. Using direct beam (Z-axis).
Incoherent: Vsample: Vc=13.827 [Angs] sigma_abs=5.08 [barn] sigma_inc=5.08 [barn]
PowderN: PowN: Vc=13.827 [Angs] sigma_abs=5.08 [barn] sigma_inc=5.08 [barn] reflections=NULL
Mode: Direct mode lattice
Single_crystal: INC structure a=[3.0282,0,0] b=[0,3.0282,0] c=[0,0,1.5141] V0=13.8843
Single_crystal: SX: Using incoherent elastic scattering only sigma=5.08.
Single_crystal: SX: Vc=13.8843 [Angs] sigma_abs=5.08 [barn] sigma_inc=5.08 [barn] reflections=NULL
Direct space lattice orientation:
  a = [3.0282 0 0]
  b = [0 3.0282 0]
  c = [0 0 1.5141]
Reciprocal space lattice orientation:
  a* = [2.07489 0 0]
  b* = [0 2.07489 0]
  c* = [0 0 4.14978]
Isotropic_Sqw: Sqw: is a box: width=0.005000 height=0.005000 depth=0.005000 
Isotropic_Sqw: Sqw: Using Isotropic elastic incoherent scattering (sigma=5.08 [barns])
Incoherent: IncS: The target is not defined. Using direct beam (Z-axis).
Incoherent: IncS: Vc=13.827 [Angs] sigma_abs=5.08 [barn] sigma_inc=5.08 [barn]
INFO: call to ./Samples_Incoherent.out failed with Command './Samples_Incoherent.out --trace=0 --seed=1000 --ncount=10000000.0 --dir=4 --format=McCode --bufsiz=10000000 SAMPLE=4 STOP=1' returned non-zero exit status 255.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 595, in <module>
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 567, in main  # in
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 330, in run
    return self.runMPI(args, pipe, override_mpi)
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 384, in runMPI
    return Process(binpath).run(args, pipe=pipe)
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 77, in run
    raise err
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/", line 73, in run
    proc = run(command, shell=True, check=True, text=True, capture_output=pipe)
  File "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/", line 526, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command './Samples_Incoherent.out --trace=0 --seed=1000 --ncount=10000000.0 --dir=4 --format=McCode --bufsiz=10000000 SAMPLE=4 STOP=1' returned non-zero exit status 255.