INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./ILL_H113.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./ILL_H113.out INFO: === Simulation 'ILL_H113' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-12-20/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/ILL_H113/ILL_H113.instr): running on 8 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). Instrument: ILL_H113 (H113@ILL ballistic cold guide on VCS). [ILL_H113] Initialize [ILL_H113] Initialize [ILL_H113] Initialize [ILL_H113] Initialize [ILL_H113] Initialize [ILL_H113] Initialize Source_gen: component VCS (square 0.14 x 0.22) focusing distance dist=2.525 area=0.068 x 0.2 spectra 0.100 to 19.900 AA (0.207 to 8181.000 meV) T1=216.8 K (2.093 AA), T2=33.9 K (5.292 AA), T3=16.7 K (7.539 AA) [ILL_H113] Initialize Flux is dPhi/dlambda in [n/s/cm2]. [ILL_H113] Initialize Monitor_nD: GuideOut_dxdy is using automatic limits option 'auto' together with MPI. WARNING this may create incorrect distributions (but integrated flux will be right). Trace ETA 4 [s] % 272 Trace ETA 1 [s] % 573 Trace ETA 2 [s] % 473 Trace ETA 6 [s] % 175 Trace ETA 2 [s] % 374 Trace ETA 1 [s] % 672 Trace ETA 15 [s] % 70 Trace ETA 1 [s] % 773 180 780 580 380 480 680 280 80 190 590 390 790 490 690 290 90 *** TRACE end *** Save [ILL_H113] Detector: GuideOut_xy_I=7.18998e+09 GuideOut_xy_ERR=1.20292e+07 GuideOut_xy_N=5.22682e+06 "GuideOut_xy_1703029242.x_y" Detector: GuideOut_dxdy_I=7.19001e+09 GuideOut_dxdy_ERR=1.20293e+07 GuideOut_dxdy_N=5.22681e+06 "GuideOut_dxdy_1703029242.hd_vd" Detector: GuideOut_Phic_I=2.37295e+10 GuideOut_Phic_ERR=2.79625e+07 GuideOut_Phic_N=5.22682e+06 "GuideOut_Phic" Detector: GuideOut_L_I=7.18709e+09 GuideOut_L_ERR=1.20252e+07 GuideOut_L_N=5.22532e+06 "GuideOut_L_1703029242.L" Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] Finally [ILL_H113: 1]. Time: 15 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-12-20/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/ILL_H113/ILL_H113.instr in dataset 1