INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test.out INFO: === Simulation 'ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test' (/u/data/pkwi/WORK/mcstas-test/20240617_1024_07/mcstas-3.x-dev_run2_nexus_Linux/ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test/ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test.instr): running on 20 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Initialize Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Setting up for sector N, beamline 1, global orientation angle is 30, internal angle 55 Source: Focusing at rectagle sized 0.1 x 0.1 - positioned at location (x,y,z)=(0 m, 0 m, 100 m) ( from dist parameter -> distance 100 ) Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing Source: Cold and Thermal brilliance performance multiplicators are c_performance=1 and t_performance=1 Source: NOT using time focusing *** TRACE end *** Save [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test] Detector: AutoTOFL0_I=2.08907e+09 AutoTOFL0_ERR=1.90929e+06 AutoTOFL0_N=1.11373e+07 "AutoTOFL0_1718615788.t_L" Detector: AutoTOF0_I=2.08907e+09 AutoTOF0_ERR=1.90929e+06 AutoTOF0_N=1.11313e+07 "AutoTOF0_1718615788.t" Detector: AutoL0_I=2.08939e+09 AutoL0_ERR=1.90929e+06 AutoL0_N=2e+07 "AutoL0_1718615788.L" Detector: PSD0_I=2.08939e+09 PSD0_ERR=1.90929e+06 PSD0_N=2e+07 "flat.x_y" Detector: PSD1_I=1.64206e+09 PSD1_ERR=1.67565e+06 PSD1_N=1.90797e+07 "flatC.x_y" Detector: PSD2_I=1.49417e+09 PSD2_ERR=1.633e+06 PSD2_N=1.09203e+07 "flatT.x_y" Detector: MonND1_I=9.09227e+08 MonND1_ERR=1.27715e+06 MonND1_N=9.64455e+06 "MonND1_1718615788.U1" Detector: CWidth_I=1.19252e+09 CWidth_ERR=1.40141e+06 CWidth_N=1.81594e+07 "CWidth_1718615788.U1" Detector: TWidth_I=6.29634e+08 TWidth_ERR=1.14434e+06 TWidth_N=1.12992e+06 "TWidth_1718615788.U1" Detector: MonND2_I=1.04478e+09 MonND2_ERR=1.35002e+06 MonND2_N=1e+07 "MonND2_1718615788.U1" Detector: MonND2_2_I=1.04462e+09 MonND2_2_ERR=1.35013e+06 MonND2_2_N=9.99998e+06 "MonND2_2_1718615788.U1" Detector: MonND3_I=2.08939e+09 MonND3_ERR=1.90929e+06 MonND3_N=2e+07 "MonND3_1718615788.U1_U2" Detector: MonND4_I=2.08939e+09 MonND4_ERR=1.90929e+06 MonND4_N=2e+07 "MonND4_1718615788.U1_U2" Detector: AutoTOFL_I=2.08939e+09 AutoTOFL_ERR=1.90929e+06 AutoTOFL_N=2e+07 "AutoTOFL_1718615788.t_L" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_I=5.33599e+10 BrillmonCOLD_ERR=4.32148e+08 BrillmonCOLD_N=384951 "Mean_brillCOLD.dat" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_I=2.00618e+12 BrillmonCOLD_ERR=8.46304e+07 BrillmonCOLD_N=23699 "Peak_brillCOLD.dat" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_I=9.38911e+12 BrillmonCOLD_ERR=2.40024e+07 BrillmonCOLD_N=384951 "brillCOLD.dat" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_COLL_I=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_ERR=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_N=0 "Mean_brillCOLD_COLL.dat" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_COLL_I=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_ERR=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_N=0 "Peak_brillCOLD_COLL.dat" Detector: BrillmonCOLD_COLL_I=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_ERR=0 BrillmonCOLD_COLL_N=0 "brillCOLD_COLL.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_I=3.55761e+10 BrillmonTHRM_ERR=2.88376e+08 BrillmonTHRM_N=384389 "Mean_brillTHRM.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_I=1.34851e+12 BrillmonTHRM_ERR=5.69055e+07 BrillmonTHRM_N=23688 "Peak_brillTHRM.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_I=6.2599e+12 BrillmonTHRM_ERR=1.58963e+07 BrillmonTHRM_N=384389 "brillTHRM.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_COLL_I=8.00461e+10 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_ERR=6.48847e+08 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_N=384389 "Mean_brillTHRM_COLL.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_COLL_I=3.03415e+12 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_ERR=1.28067e+08 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_N=23688 "Peak_brillTHRM_COLL.dat" Detector: BrillmonTHRM_COLL_I=1.40848e+13 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_ERR=3.62556e+07 BrillmonTHRM_COLL_N=384389 "brillTHRM_COLL.dat" Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Detector: AutoTOFLend_I=1.53243e+08 AutoTOFLend_ERR=545034 AutoTOFLend_N=400122 "AutoTOFLend_1718615788.t_L" Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] Finally [ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test: 1]. Time: 3 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy /u/data/pkwi/WORK/mcstas-test/20240617_1024_07/mcstas-3.x-dev_run2_nexus_Linux/ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test/ESS_butterfly_tfocus_NOFOCUS_test.instr in dataset 1