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The Union_powder_validation Instrument



Validation of Union powder against standard PowderN component.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
comp_select11=Union components, 2=PowderN1
material_data_filestringPowder sample definition"Al.laz"
E0meVSource mean energy100
dEmeVSource energy spread2
sample_radiusmSample radius0.01
sample_heightmSample height0.01
pack Sample packing factor1
sigma_incbarnsSample incoherent cross-section0.0328
sigma_absbarnsSample absorption cross-section0.924
VcAASample unit cell volume66.4
geometry_interact p_interact for the sample0.5
incoherent_fraction Fraction of statistics assigned for incoherent scattering0.2
divdegSource divergence (angular w and h)1.5
d_phidegRestriction of Debye-Scherrer cones around scattering plane 0=full illumination30


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-06-16 23:07:24