INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Test_Single_crystal_inelastic_20231101_031621" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c DEBUG: CMD: /users/willend/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/bin/mcstas -t -o ./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c /users/willend/TESTS/2023-11-01/McStas_DUAL_A100_DMSC_1e7/Test_Single_crystal_inelastic/Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.instr Info: 'Single_crystal_inelastic' is a contributed component. Info: 'E_4PI' is a contributed component. CFLAGS= -DFUNNEL WARNING: The parameter mosaic_AB of sample is initialized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: Component sample is NOACC, CPUONLY=1 -> FUNNEL mode enabled, SPLIT within buffer. -> CPU section from component sample -> GPU kernel from component monitoE ----------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG: CMD: /users/willend/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/bin/mcstas finished INFO: Recompiling: ./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.out ./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c -lm -fast -Minfo=accel -acc=gpu -gpu=managed -DOPENACC -DFUNNEL "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 4442: warning: variable "randstate" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] unsigned long randstate[7]; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 4361: warning: variable "newlen" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] long newlen = 0; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "minx" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "maxx" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "miny" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "maxy" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "minz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8126: warning: variable "maxz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 8482: warning: variable "plane_Eq" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double plane_Eq [4]; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9353: warning: variable "lval" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double piv, lval, rval; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9353: warning: variable "rval" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double piv, lval, rval; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9390: warning: variable "index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] FILE *index; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9617: warning: variable "Emul" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double h, k, l, Emax=0, Qmax=0, Emul, Qmul; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9617: warning: variable "Qmul" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double h, k, l, Emax=0, Qmax=0, Emul, Qmul; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "hh" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "kk" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "ll" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "qx" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "qy" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9656: warning: variable "qz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int isw=0, **SwQi, *SwQt, *nQ; double *Sw, hh, kk, ll, qx, qy, qz; //*CQ, **SqwCDF, **SwQ2; int iswQ=0, ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9992: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 9980: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 1; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10022: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 2; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10101: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 3; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10187: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 4; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10678: warning: variable "as" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double as, bs, cs; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10678: warning: variable "bs" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double as, bs, cs; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 10678: warning: variable "cs" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double as, bs, cs; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11387: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] break; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11401: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] break; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11452: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] break; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11494: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] break; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11505: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] if (order && event_counter >= order) { intersect=0; break; } ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11258: warning: variable "L" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] struct hkl_data *L; /* Structure factor list */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11259: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int i, i1, i2, i3; /* Index into structure factor list */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11259: warning: variable "i3" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int i, i1, i2, i3; /* Index into structure factor list */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11265: warning: variable "tau_max" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau_max; /* Max tau allowing reflection at this ki */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11266: warning: variable "tau_x" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau_x, tau_y, tau_z; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11266: warning: variable "tau_y" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau_x, tau_y, tau_z; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11266: warning: variable "tau_z" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau_x, tau_y, tau_z; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11267: warning: variable "tau" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11268: warning: variable "rho_x" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double rho_x, rho_y, rho_z; /* the vector ki - tau */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11268: warning: variable "rho_y" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double rho_x, rho_y, rho_z; /* the vector ki - tau */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11268: warning: variable "rho_z" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double rho_x, rho_y, rho_z; /* the vector ki - tau */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11269: warning: variable "rho" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double rho; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11270: warning: variable "diff" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double diff; /* Deviation from Bragg condition */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11271: warning: variable "ox" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double ox, oy, oz; /* Origin of Ewald sphere tangent plane */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11271: warning: variable "oy" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double ox, oy, oz; /* Origin of Ewald sphere tangent plane */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11271: warning: variable "oz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double ox, oy, oz; /* Origin of Ewald sphere tangent plane */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11274: warning: variable "n11" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double n11, n12, n22; /* 2D Gauss description matrix N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11274: warning: variable "n12" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double n11, n12, n22; /* 2D Gauss description matrix N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11274: warning: variable "n22" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double n11, n12, n22; /* 2D Gauss description matrix N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11275: warning: variable "det_N" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double det_N; /* Determinant of N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11276: warning: variable "inv_n11" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double inv_n11, inv_n12, inv_n22; /* Inverse of N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11276: warning: variable "inv_n12" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double inv_n11, inv_n12, inv_n22; /* Inverse of N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11276: warning: variable "inv_n22" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double inv_n11, inv_n12, inv_n22; /* Inverse of N */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11277: warning: variable "l11" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double l11, l12, l22; /* Cholesky decomposition L of 1/2*inv(N) */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11277: warning: variable "l12" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double l11, l12, l22; /* Cholesky decomposition L of 1/2*inv(N) */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11277: warning: variable "l22" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double l11, l12, l22; /* Cholesky decomposition L of 1/2*inv(N) */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11278: warning: variable "det_L" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double det_L; /* Determinant of L */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11279: warning: variable "Bt_D_O_x" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double Bt_D_O_x, Bt_D_O_y; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11279: warning: variable "Bt_D_O_y" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double Bt_D_O_x, Bt_D_O_y; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11280: warning: variable "y0x" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double y0x, y0y; /* Center of 2D Gauss in plane coordinates */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11280: warning: variable "y0y" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double y0x, y0y; /* Center of 2D Gauss in plane coordinates */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11281: warning: variable "alpha" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double alpha; /* Offset of 2D Gauss center from 3D center */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11282: warning: variable "tau_count" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int tau_count; /* Number of reflections within cutoff */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11284: warning: variable "l_full" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double l_full; /* Neutron path length for transmission */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11285: warning: variable "l" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double l; /* Path length to scattering event */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11288: warning: variable "coh_xsect" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double coh_xsect, coh_xlen; /* Coherent cross section and length */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11288: warning: variable "coh_xlen" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double coh_xsect, coh_xlen; /* Coherent cross section and length */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11289: warning: variable "tot_xsect" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tot_xsect, tot_xlen; /* Total cross section and length */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11289: warning: variable "tot_xlen" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tot_xsect, tot_xlen; /* Total cross section and length */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11290: warning: variable "z1" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double z1, z2, y1, y2; /* Temporaries to choose kf from 2D Gauss */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11290: warning: variable "z2" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double z1, z2, y1, y2; /* Temporaries to choose kf from 2D Gauss */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11290: warning: variable "y1" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double z1, z2, y1, y2; /* Temporaries to choose kf from 2D Gauss */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11290: warning: variable "y2" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double z1, z2, y1, y2; /* Temporaries to choose kf from 2D Gauss */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11291: warning: variable "adjust" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double adjust, coh_refl; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11291: warning: variable "coh_refl" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double adjust, coh_refl; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11292: warning: variable "r" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double r, sum; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11292: warning: variable "sum" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double r, sum; /* Temporaries */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11293: warning: variable "xsect_factor" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double xsect_factor; /* Common factor in coherent cross-section */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11294: warning: variable "p_trans" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double p_trans; /* Transmission probability */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11295: warning: variable "mc_trans" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double mc_trans, mc_interact; /* Transmission, interaction MC choices */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11295: warning: variable "mc_interact" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double mc_trans, mc_interact; /* Transmission, interaction MC choices */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11297: warning: variable "theta" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double theta, phi; /* rotation angles for curved lattice option */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11297: warning: variable "phi" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double theta, phi; /* rotation angles for curved lattice option */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11300: warning: variable "qm0" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double qm0, qm1; /* Boundaries of bins for linear interpolation */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11300: warning: variable "qm1" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double qm0, qm1; /* Boundaries of bins for linear interpolation */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11301: warning: variable "q2" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double q2, qmod; /* Momentum transfer squared and modulus */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11301: warning: variable "qmod" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double q2, qmod; /* Momentum transfer squared and modulus */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11302: warning: variable "qminus" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double qminus, qplus, qdiff; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11302: warning: variable "qplus" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double qminus, qplus, qdiff; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11302: warning: variable "qdiff" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double qminus, qplus, qdiff; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11303: warning: variable "istart" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int istart,istop; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11303: warning: variable "istop" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int istart,istop; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11304: warning: variable "eslope" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double eslope; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11305: warning: variable "tau_dmin" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double tau_dmin; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11306: warning: variable "itau" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int itau; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11586: warning: variable "phi" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double t0, t1, phi, theta, E; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11586: warning: variable "theta" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double t0, t1, phi, theta, E; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11587: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int i,j,k; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 11587: warning: variable "j" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int i,j,k; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 12913: warning: variable "t" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] time_t t; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 12914: warning: variable "ct" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] clock_t ct; ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 1403: warning: variable "mcstartdate" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] static long mcstartdate = 0; /* start simulation time */ ^ "./Test_Single_crystal_inelastic.c", line 2797: warning: function "strcpy_valid" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] static char *strcpy_valid(char *valid, char *original) ^ mcgenstate: 77, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getvar: 91, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getvar_void: 123, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_setvar_void: 147, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_setvar_void_array: 169, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_restore: 180, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getuservar_byid: 189, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_uservar_init: 199, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code noprintf: 1443, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code str_comp: 1447, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code str_len: 1456, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mcget_ncount: 3802, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_set: 4039, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_get: 4050, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_add: 4059, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_sub: 4071, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_neg: 4083, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_scale: 4093, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_sp: 4103, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_xp: 4111, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_len: 4121, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_print: 4143, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_norm: 4150, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_set_rotation: 4196, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_test_identity: 4231, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_mul: 4242, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_copy: 4259, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_transpose: 4270, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_apply: 4286, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code vec_prod_func: 4315, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code scalar_prod: 4326, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code norm_func: 4330, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code sort_absorb_last: 4365, Generating present(particles[:],pbuffer[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(tidx) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 4372, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 4381, #pragma acc loop seq 4365, Generating implicit copy(lens[:]) [if not already present] 4372, Generating implicit firstprivate(ll,l) 4383, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4384, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4385, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4386, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4388, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4389, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4390, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4391, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4413, Generating present(pbuffer[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(tidx) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 4417, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 4420, #pragma acc loop seq 4413, Generating implicit copyin(lens[:]) [if not already present] Generating implicit copy(particles[:]) [if not already present] Generating implicit copyin(los[:]) [if not already present] 4420, Generating implicit firstprivate(l) 4437, Generating present(particles[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(accumlen,tidx,mult) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 4441, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 4448, #pragma acc loop seq 4437, Local memory used for targetbuffer,sourcebuffer mccoordschange: 4507, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mccoordschange_polarisation: 4538, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code normal_vec: 4555, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code solve_2nd_order: 4654, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_circle: 4738, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_rect_angular: 4804, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_rect_real: 4881, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code kiss_srandom: 5153, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code kiss_random: 5163, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _hash: 5189, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randnorm2: 5230, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randtriangle: 5241, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _rand01: 5246, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randpm1: 5254, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _rand0max: 5262, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randminmax: 5269, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mcsetstate: 5912, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code inside_rectangle: 6004, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code box_intersect: 6021, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code cylinder_intersect: 6136, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code sphere_intersect: 6191, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Index: 7166, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Value: 7234, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Value2d: 7313, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp1d: 7751, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp1d_nearest: 7767, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp2d: 7785, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code SG_Maxwell: 7832, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_F: 8083, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_sign: 8088, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_normal: 8098, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_pnpoly: 8124, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersectPoly: 8187, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_init_planes: 8318, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_clip_3D_mod: 8363, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_clip_3D_mod_grav: 8479, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_compare: 8597, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_cleanDouble: 8609, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_cleanInOut: 8644, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Min_int: 8894, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code merge: 8901, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code p_to_quadratic: 9005, Generating implicit acc routine seq Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code quadraticSolve: 9020, Generating implicit acc routine seq Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersect_all: 9074, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersect: 9191, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_x_intersect: 9213, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code init: 10867, Generating update device(_source_var,_sample_var,_monitoE_var,_instrument_var,_a1_var) class_Progress_bar_trace: 10912, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code class_Source_gen_trace: 11000, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code class_E_4PI_trace: 11573, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code raytrace_all_funnel: 11865, Generating present(particles[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(livebatchsize) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 11869, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 11865, Local memory used for .inl_.inl_mcneutron_0_9865,.inl_particle_9850,.inl_.X1978_9867,.inl_.inl_.X2172_15_9866 11869, Generating implicit private(_particle,seed) 11879, Generating present(particles[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(livebatchsize) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 11884, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 11879, Local memory used for .inl_.inl_c_1351_9914,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1357_9919,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1356_9918,.inl_.inl_b_1347_9913,.inl_.inl_c_1340_9903,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1346_9908,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1345_9907,.inl_.inl_b_1336_9902,.inl_.inl_.X2121_1335_9897,.inl_.inl_c_1332_9896,.inl_c_9929,.inl_.inl_b_1331_9894,.inl_.inl_.X2137_1330_9893,.inl_b_9886,.inl_.X2120_9885,.inl_.X2121_9880,.inl_c_9888,.inl_.X2119_9876,.inl_a_9872,_particle_save,.inl_c_9940,.inl_.inl_c_1340_9955,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1346_9960,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1345_9959,.inl_.inl_b_1336_9954,.inl_.inl_c_1332_9948,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1356_9970,.inl_.inl_.X2137_1330_9945,.inl_.inl_b_1331_9946,.inl_.X2121_9932,.inl_.inl_b_1347_9965,.inl_c_9877,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1357_9971,.inl_.inl_.X2121_1335_9949,.inl_a_9924,.inl_.X2119_9928,.inl_.X2120_9937,.inl_b_9938,.inl_.inl_c_1351_9966 11884, Generating implicit private(_particle) 11932, Generating present(particles[:]) Generating implicit firstprivate(livebatchsize) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 11935, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 11932, Local memory used for .inl_.inl_.X2119_4711_10097,.inl_c_10040,.inl_.inl_b_1347_10065,.inl_.inl_.X2137_1330_10045,.inl_.X2121_10032,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1357_10071,_particle_save,.inl_mcLocG_10091,.inl_.inl_c_1340_10055,.inl_.inl_.inl_b_1325_1346_10060,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1345_10059,.inl_.inl_b_1336_10054,.inl_.inl_c_1332_10048,.inl_.inl_.inl_.X2137_1324_1356_10070,.inl_.inl_.X2137_4716_10101,.inl_.inl_b_1331_10046,.inl_.inl_.X2120_4722_10110,.inl_.inl_b_4717_10102,.inl_c_10029,.inl_.inl_a_4707_10096,.inl_.inl_.X2121_1335_10049,.inl_a_10024,.inl_.X2119_10028,.inl_.X2120_10037,.inl_b_10038,.inl_.inl_c_1351_10066 11935, Generating implicit private(_particle) finally: 12356, Generating update self(_sample_var,_source_var,_monitoE_var,_instrument_var,_a1_var) mcenabletrace: 5384, Generating update device(mcdotrace) DEBUG: CMD: nvc finished INFO: ===