INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./NCrystal_example.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./NCrystal_example.out INFO: === Simulation 'NCrystal_example' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-11-01/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/NCrystal_example/NCrystal_example.instr): running on 8 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. [NCrystal_example] Initialize NCrystal: McStas sample component(s) are using version 3.7.1 of the NCrystal library. *** TRACE end *** Save [NCrystal_example] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Detector: powder_pattern_detc_I=2.20855e-10 powder_pattern_detc_ERR=1.11418e-12 powder_pattern_detc_N=39328 "powder_pattern_detc_1698796181.A" Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] Finally [NCrystal_example: 1]. Time: 2 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-11-01/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/NCrystal_example/NCrystal_example.instr in dataset 1