INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "ILL_H142_20231101_002603" INFO: Regenerating c-file: ILL_H142.c DEBUG: CMD: /u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/bin/mcstas -t -o ./ILL_H142.c /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-11-01/McStas_8GPU_5e6/ILL_H142/ILL_H142.instr Info: 'Al_window' is a contributed component. CFLAGS= ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG: CMD: /u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/bin/mcstas finished INFO: Recompiling: ./ILL_H142.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./ILL_H142.out ./ILL_H142.c -lm -fast -Minfo=accel -acc=gpu -gpu=managed -DOPENACC "./ILL_H142.c", line 10336: warning: variable "dt" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double dt, dy; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "./ILL_H142.c", line 10336: warning: variable "dy" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double dt, dy; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10363: warning: variable "dx" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double dx, dy; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10363: warning: variable "dy" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double dx, dy; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "minx" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "maxx" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "miny" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "maxy" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "minz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 10691: warning: variable "maxz" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] MCNUM minx=FLT_MAX,maxx=-FLT_MAX,miny=FLT_MAX,maxy=-FLT_MAX,minz=FLT_MAX,maxz=-FLT_MAX; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 11047: warning: variable "plane_Eq" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] double plane_Eq [4]; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12593: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12581: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 1; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12623: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 2; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12702: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 3; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12742: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 4; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12782: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 5; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12822: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 6; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12862: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 7; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12902: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 8; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 12979: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 9; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13056: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 10; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13094: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 11; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13134: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 12; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13211: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 13; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13288: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 14; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13365: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 15; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13442: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 16; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13519: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 17; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13596: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 18; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13636: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 19; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13674: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 20; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13714: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 21; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13791: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 22; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13868: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 23; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 13945: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 24; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14022: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 25; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14099: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 26; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14176: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 27; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14253: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 28; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14330: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 29; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14407: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 30; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14484: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 31; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14524: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 32; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14562: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 33; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14602: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 34; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14679: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 35; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14756: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 36; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14833: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 37; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14910: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 38; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 14987: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 39; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15064: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 40; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15141: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 41; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15181: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 42; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15219: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 43; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15259: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 44; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15336: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 45; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15413: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 46; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15490: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 47; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15567: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 48; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15644: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 49; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15684: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 50; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15722: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 51; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15762: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 52; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15839: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 53; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15916: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 54; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 15993: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 55; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16070: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 56; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16147: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 57; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16224: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 58; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16301: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 59; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16378: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 60; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16455: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 61; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16532: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 62; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16572: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 63; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16610: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 64; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16650: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 65; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16727: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 66; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16804: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 67; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16881: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 68; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 16958: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 69; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17035: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 70; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17112: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 71; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17189: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 72; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17266: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 73; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17343: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 74; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17420: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 75; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17460: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 76; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17498: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 77; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17538: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 78; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17615: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 79; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17692: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 80; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17769: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 81; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17846: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 82; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 17923: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 83; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18000: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 84; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18077: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 85; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18154: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 86; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18231: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 87; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18308: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 88; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18348: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 89; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18386: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 90; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18426: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 91; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18503: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 92; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18580: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 93; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18657: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 94; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18734: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 95; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18811: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 96; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18888: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 97; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 18965: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 98; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19042: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 99; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19119: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 100; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19196: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 101; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19236: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 102; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19274: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 103; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19314: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 104; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19391: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 105; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19468: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 106; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19545: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 107; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19622: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 108; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19699: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 109; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19776: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 110; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19853: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 111; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 19930: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 112; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20007: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 113; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20084: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 114; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20124: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 115; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20162: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 116; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20202: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 117; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20279: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 118; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20356: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 119; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20433: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 120; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20510: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 121; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20587: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 122; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20664: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 123; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20741: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 124; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20818: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 125; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20895: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 126; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 20972: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 127; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 21012: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 128; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 21050: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 129; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 21141: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 130; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 21232: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 131; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 21323: warning: variable "current_setpos_index" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] int current_setpos_index = 132; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 23039: warning: variable "Al_my_tot" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] double Al_s_tot_lambda,Al_my_tot,Al_my_a ; /* total XS (barn), total scattering length (m-1), absorption scat. length */ ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 30137: warning: variable "t" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] time_t t; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 30138: warning: variable "ct" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] clock_t ct; ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 1403: warning: variable "mcstartdate" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] static long mcstartdate = 0; /* start simulation time */ ^ "./ILL_H142.c", line 2797: warning: function "strcpy_valid" was declared but never referenced [declared_but_not_referenced] static char *strcpy_valid(char *valid, char *original) ^ mcgenstate: 77, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getvar: 91, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getvar_void: 123, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_setvar_void: 147, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_setvar_void_array: 169, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_restore: 180, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_getuservar_byid: 189, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code particle_uservar_init: 199, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code noprintf: 1443, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code str_comp: 1447, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code str_len: 1456, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mcget_ncount: 3802, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_set: 4039, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_get: 4050, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_add: 4059, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_sub: 4071, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_neg: 4083, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_scale: 4093, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_sp: 4103, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_xp: 4111, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_len: 4121, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_print: 4143, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code coords_norm: 4150, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_set_rotation: 4196, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_test_identity: 4231, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_mul: 4242, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_copy: 4259, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_transpose: 4270, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code rot_apply: 4286, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code vec_prod_func: 4315, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code scalar_prod: 4326, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code norm_func: 4330, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mccoordschange: 4507, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mccoordschange_polarisation: 4538, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code normal_vec: 4555, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code solve_2nd_order: 4654, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_circle: 4738, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_rect_angular: 4804, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randvec_target_rect_real: 4881, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code kiss_srandom: 5153, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code kiss_random: 5163, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _hash: 5189, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randnorm2: 5230, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randtriangle: 5241, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _rand01: 5246, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randpm1: 5254, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _rand0max: 5262, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code _randminmax: 5269, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code mcsetstate: 5912, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code inside_rectangle: 6004, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code box_intersect: 6021, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code cylinder_intersect: 6136, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code sphere_intersect: 6191, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Index: 7160, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Value: 7228, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Value2d: 7307, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp1d: 7745, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp1d_nearest: 7761, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Table_Interp2d: 7779, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code SG_Maxwell: 7826, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code StdReflecFunc: 7950, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code TableReflecFunc: 8009, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Gravity_guide_Trace: 8275, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Monitor_nD_Trace: 9346, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_F: 10648, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_sign: 10653, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_normal: 10663, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_pnpoly: 10689, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersectPoly: 10752, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_init_planes: 10883, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_clip_3D_mod: 10928, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_clip_3D_mod_grav: 11044, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_compare: 11162, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_cleanDouble: 11174, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_cleanInOut: 11209, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code Min_int: 11459, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code merge: 11466, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code p_to_quadratic: 11570, Generating implicit acc routine seq Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code quadraticSolve: 11585, Generating implicit acc routine seq Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersect_all: 11639, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_intersect: 11756, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code off_x_intersect: 11778, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code init: 22683, Generating update device(_H142_9_var,_PinkCarter_var,_Al_window1_var,_Al_window2_var,_Al_window3_var,_Al_window4_var,_Origin_var,_Al_window5_var,_H142_2_Out_var,_H142_2_6_var,_H142_11_var,_H142_2_1_var,_H142_2_2_var,_H142_2_3_var,_H142_2_4_var,_H142_2_5_var,_H142_2_In_var,_H142_3_Out_var,_H142_3_9_var,_H142_3_10_var,_H142_3_1_var,_H142_3_2_var,_H142_3_3_var,_H142_3_4_var,_H142_3_5_var,_H142_3_6_var,_H142_3_7_var,_H142_3_8_var,_H142_2_var,_H142_3_In_var,_H142_4_Out_var,_H142_4_7_var,_H142_3_var,_H142_4_1_var,_H142_4_2_var,_H142_4_3_var,_H142_4_4_var,_H142_4_5_var,_H142_4_6_var,_H142_4_In_var,_H142_5_Out_var,_H142_5_5_var,_H142_4_var,_H142_5_1_var,_H142_5_2_var,_H142_5_3_var,_H142_5_4_var,_H142_5_In_var,_H142_6_Out_var,_H142_6_9_var,_H142_6_10_var,_H142_6_1_var,_H142_6_2_var,_H142_6_3_var,_H142_6_4_var,_H142_6_5_var,_H142_6_6_var,_H142_6_7_var,_H142_6_8_var,_H142_5_var,_H142_6_In_var,_H142_7_Out_var,_H142_7_9_var,_H142_7_10_var,_H142_7_1_var,_H142_7_2_var,_H142_7_3_var,_H142_7_4_var,_H142_7_5_var,_H142_7_6_var,_H142_7_7_var,_H142_7_8_var,_H142_6_var,_H142_7_In_var,_H142_8_Out_var,_H142_8_9_var,_H142_8_10_var,_H142_8_1_var,_H142_8_2_var,_H142_8_3_var,_H142_8_4_var,_H142_8_5_var,_H142_8_6_var,_H142_8_7_var,_H142_8_8_var,_H142_7_var,_H142_8_In_var,_H142_9_Out_var,_H142_9_9_var,_H142_9_10_var,_H142_9_1_var,_H142_9_2_var,_H142_9_3_var,_H142_9_4_var,_H142_9_5_var,_H142_9_6_var,_H142_9_7_var,_H142_9_8_var,_H142_8_var,_H142_9_In_var,_H142_10_Out_var,_H142_10_9_var,_H142_10_10_var,_H142_10_1_var,_H142_10_2_var,_H142_10_3_var,_H142_10_4_var,_H142_10_5_var,_H142_10_6_var,_H142_10_7_var,_H142_10_8_var,_GuideOut_xy_var,_H142_10_In_var,_H142_11_Out_var,_H142_11_9_var,_H142_11_10_var,_H142_11_1_var,_H142_11_2_var,_H142_11_3_var,_H142_11_4_var,_H142_11_5_var,_H142_11_6_var,_H142_11_7_var,_H142_11_8_var,_H142_10_var,_H142_11_In_var,_GuideOut_dxdy_var,_GuideOut_var,_GuideOut_Phic_var,_GuideOut_L_var,_FirstObturator_var,_instrument_var,_VCS_var) class_Progress_bar_trace: 22728, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code class_Source_gen_trace: 22816, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code class_Al_window_trace: 23031, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code class_Guide_gravity_trace: 23085, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code 23214, Reference argument passing prevents parallelization: dt class_Monitor_nD_trace: 23354, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code raytrace: 23654, Generating acc routine seq Generating NVIDIA GPU code raytrace_all: 26302, Generating implicit firstprivate(gpu_innerloop) Generating NVIDIA GPU code 26313, #pragma acc loop gang(numgangs), vector(vecsize) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */ 26302, Local memory used for .inl_particle_44244,particleN,.inl_.inl_mcneutron_0_44259,.inl_.X2109_44261,.inl_.inl_.X2305_15_44260 26313, Generating implicit firstprivate(seed,_particle) finally: 28763, Generating update self(_H142_9_var,_PinkCarter_var,_Al_window1_var,_Al_window2_var,_Al_window3_var,_Al_window4_var,_Origin_var,_Al_window5_var,_H142_2_Out_var,_H142_2_6_var,_H142_11_var,_H142_2_1_var,_H142_2_2_var,_H142_2_3_var,_H142_2_4_var,_H142_2_5_var,_H142_2_In_var,_H142_3_Out_var,_H142_3_9_var,_H142_3_10_var,_H142_3_1_var,_H142_3_2_var,_H142_3_3_var,_H142_3_4_var,_H142_3_5_var,_H142_3_6_var,_H142_3_7_var,_H142_3_8_var,_H142_2_var,_H142_3_In_var,_H142_4_Out_var,_H142_4_7_var,_H142_3_var,_H142_4_1_var,_H142_4_2_var,_H142_4_3_var,_H142_4_4_var,_H142_4_5_var,_H142_4_6_var,_H142_4_In_var,_H142_5_Out_var,_H142_5_5_var,_H142_4_var,_H142_5_1_var,_H142_5_2_var,_H142_5_3_var,_H142_5_4_var,_H142_5_In_var,_H142_6_Out_var,_H142_6_9_var,_H142_6_10_var,_H142_6_1_var,_H142_6_2_var,_H142_6_3_var,_H142_6_4_var,_H142_6_5_var,_H142_6_6_var,_H142_6_7_var,_H142_6_8_var,_H142_5_var,_H142_6_In_var,_H142_7_Out_var,_H142_7_9_var,_H142_7_10_var,_H142_7_1_var,_H142_7_2_var,_H142_7_3_var,_H142_7_4_var,_H142_7_5_var,_H142_7_6_var,_H142_7_7_var,_H142_7_8_var,_H142_6_var,_H142_7_In_var,_H142_8_Out_var,_H142_8_9_var,_H142_8_10_var,_H142_8_1_var,_H142_8_2_var,_H142_8_3_var,_H142_8_4_var,_H142_8_5_var,_H142_8_6_var,_H142_8_7_var,_H142_8_8_var,_H142_7_var,_H142_8_In_var,_H142_9_Out_var,_H142_9_9_var,_H142_9_10_var,_H142_9_1_var,_H142_9_2_var,_H142_9_3_var,_H142_9_4_var,_H142_9_5_var,_H142_9_6_var,_H142_9_7_var,_H142_9_8_var,_H142_8_var,_H142_9_In_var,_H142_10_Out_var,_H142_10_9_var,_H142_10_10_var,_H142_10_1_var,_H142_10_2_var,_H142_10_3_var,_H142_10_4_var,_H142_10_5_var,_H142_10_6_var,_H142_10_7_var,_H142_10_8_var,_GuideOut_xy_var,_H142_10_In_var,_H142_11_Out_var,_H142_11_9_var,_H142_11_10_var,_H142_11_1_var,_H142_11_2_var,_H142_11_3_var,_H142_11_4_var,_H142_11_5_var,_H142_11_6_var,_H142_11_7_var,_H142_11_8_var,_H142_10_var,_H142_11_In_var,_GuideOut_dxdy_var,_GuideOut_var,_GuideOut_Phic_var,_GuideOut_L_var,_FirstObturator_var,_instrument_var,_VCS_var) mcenabletrace: 5384, Generating update device(mcdotrace) DEBUG: CMD: nvc finished INFO: ===