INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./ILL_D4.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./ILL_D4.out INFO: === Simulation 'ILL_D4' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-10-01/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/ILL_D4/ILL_D4.instr): running on 8 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: is a cylinder: radius=0.004000 thickness=0.000000 height=0.040000 [J Comp Phys 228 (2009) 5251] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Computing scattering unit density V_rho=0.0220518 [AA^-3] from density=2.2 [g/cm^3] weight=60.08 [g/mol]. Isotropic_sqw: Converting 2467 S(q) from SiO2_liq.qSq into S(q,w) data Isotropic_sqw: q range [0:49.971], creating 2467 elements vector Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Generated SiO2_liq.qSq coherent Sqw q=[0:49.971 Angs-1] w=[0:0 meV] |S|=1.01457 size=[2499x1] sigma=10.6 [barns] Mainly elastic scattering. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Using Isotropic elastic incoherent scattering (sigma=0.0056 [barns]) Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Sample temperature not defined (T=0). Warning Disabling detailed balance. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Focusing can only apply for single scattering. Setting to order=1. Trace ETA 1 [s] % 754 Trace ETA 3 [s] % 353 Trace ETA 21 [s] % 52 Trace ETA 4 [s] % 252 Trace ETA 1 [s] % 554 Trace ETA 7 [s] % 154 Trace ETA 2 [s] % 451 Trace ETA 1 [s] % 652 760 160 560 360 260 660 60 460 770 170 570 370 270 670 70 470 780 180 580 380 280 680 80 480 790 190 590 390 290 690 90 490 *** TRACE end *** Save [ILL_D4] Detector: PSD_I=2.82012e+09 PSD_ERR=2.29613e+06 PSD_N=1.5104e+06 "PSD1.dat" Detector: Lmon1_I=1.01075e+10 Lmon1_ERR=4.3469e+06 Lmon1_N=5.41343e+06 "Lmon1.dat" Detector: Lmon2_I=4.30999e+09 Lmon2_ERR=897307 Lmon2_N=2.30948e+07 "Lmon2.dat" Detector: Sample_mon_I=1.84433e+08 Sample_mon_ERR=61706.4 Sample_mon_N=8.93822e+06 "Sample_mon_1696113587.x_y" Detector: BananaTheta_I=1.45845e+06 BananaTheta_ERR=1410.66 BananaTheta_N=1.92786e+06 "" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Detector: BananaPSD_I=1.75557e+06 BananaPSD_ERR=1579.43 BananaPSD_N=2.26584e+06 "BananaPSD_1696113587.th_y" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 20 [s] Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: 6 neutron events (out of 4527080) that should have scattered were transmitted because scattering conditions WARNING could not be satisfied after 100 tries. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Scattering fraction=0.148665 of incoming intensity Absorption fraction =0.00609364 Single scattering intensity =3.50945e+06 (coh=3.50753e+06 inc=1923.52) Multiple scattering intensity =0 INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-10-01/McStas_CPU_MPICC_KISS_1e7/ILL_D4/ILL_D4.instr in dataset 1