INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Test_Guides.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Test_Guides.out INFO: === Simulation 'Test_Guides' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-10-01/McStas_8GPU_5e7/Test_Guides/Test_Guides.instr): running on 7 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 4. Will use device 4. Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 2. Will use device 2. Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 0. Will use device 0. Using Guide Using Guide Using Guide [Test_Guides] Initialize [Test_Guides] Initialize [Test_Guides] Initialize Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): Number of vertices: 8 Number of polygons: 4 Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Length=0.050000 (100.000%) Width= 0.050000 (100.000%) Depth= 1.000000 (100.000%) Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): Number of vertices: 8 Number of polygons: 4 Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry Length=0.050000 (100.000%) Width= 0.050000 (100.000%) Depth= 1.000000 (100.000%) Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 3. Will use device 3. Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 5. Will use device 5. Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 1. Will use device 1. Using Guide Using Guide Using Guide [Test_Guides] Initialize [Test_Guides] Initialize [Test_Guides] Initialize Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in Have found 8 GPU devices on rank 6. Will use device 6. Using Guide [Test_Guides] Initialize Guide_anyshape_r: GuideAr: All of m, alpha, W assigned 0: - We are using H. Jacobsen reflectivity model if m-values are given in *** TRACE end *** Save [Test_Guides] Detector: Monitor1_xt_I=0.0374376 Monitor1_xt_ERR=5.29448e-06 Monitor1_xt_N=5e+07 "Monitor1_xt_1696142650.x_y" Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Detector: Monitor2_xy_I=0.00724905 Monitor2_xy_ERR=2.32517e-06 Monitor2_xy_N=1.26598e+07 "Monitor2_xy_1696142650.x_y" Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] Finally [Test_Guides: 1]. Time: 1 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-10-01/McStas_8GPU_5e7/Test_Guides/Test_Guides.instr in dataset 1