loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/McCode/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcstas-test/McStas-2.x_CPU_MPICC/mccode_config.json INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Test_shellguides_20230401_004943" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Test_shellguides.c DEBUG: CMD: mcstas -t -o ./Test_shellguides.c /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2023-04-01/McStas-2.x_CPU_MPICC_5e7/Test_shellguides/Test_shellguides.instr Info: 'Source_gen4' is a contributed component. Info: 'Sapphire_Filter' is a contributed component. Info: 'Guide_four_side' is a contributed component. Warning: Component source=Source_gen4(string flux_file) definition parameter may be changed into a setting parameter to avoid warnings at compile time. Warning: Component source=Source_gen4(string xdiv_file) definition parameter may be changed into a setting parameter to avoid warnings at compile time. Warning: Component source=Source_gen4(string ydiv_file) definition parameter may be changed into a setting parameter to avoid warnings at compile time. Warning: Component Guide=Guide_four_side(string RIreflect) definition parameter may be changed into a setting parameter to avoid warnings at compile time. CFLAGS= INFO: Recompiling: ./Test_shellguides.out DEBUG: CMD: mpicc -o ./Test_shellguides.out ./Test_shellguides.c -lm -DUSE_MPI -lmpi -g -lm -O2 -DUSE_MPI -lmpi INFO: ===