loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/McCode/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcstas-test/McStas_CPU_PGCC_MULTICORE_KISS/mccode_config.json INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Union_IncoherentPhonon_test_20221101_015613" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c DEBUG: CMD: mcstas -t -o ./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-11-01/McStas_CPU_PGCC_MULTICORE_KISS_1e7/Union_IncoherentPhonon_test/Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.instr Warning: DECLARE block contains 2 assignments (= sign). Move them into an INITIALIZE section. May fail at compile. CFLAGS= -I@MCCODE_LIB@/share/ -DFUNNEL ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: Component test_sample is NOACC, CPUONLY=1 -> FUNNEL mode enabled, SPLIT within buffer. -> CPU section from component test_sample -> GPU kernel from component Banana_monitor ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Recompiling: ./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.out ./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c -lm -ta=multicore -Minfo=accel -DOPENACC -I/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/ -DFUNNEL "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 4254: warning: variable "randstate" was declared but never referenced unsigned long randstate[7]; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 4173: warning: variable "newlen" was declared but never referenced long newlen = 0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 7468: warning: variable "output" was declared but never referenced struct tagging_tree_node_struct *output; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 7748: warning: argument of type "int (*)(const struct saved_history_struct *, const struct saved_history_struct *)" is incompatible with parameter of type "__compar_fn_t" qsort(total_history.saved_histories,total_history.used_elements,sizeof (struct saved_history_struct), Sample_compare_history_intensities); ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 7752: warning: argument of type "struct saved_history_struct *" is incompatible with parameter of type "struct dynamic_history_list *" MPI_MASTER( ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 7979: warning: variable "permanent_list_length" was declared but never referenced int volume_index,iterate,permanent_list_length = 0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 8002: warning: variable "geometry_output" was set but never used int geometry_output; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 315: warning: variable "x_vector" was declared but never referenced Coords x_vector = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->x_vector; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 316: warning: variable "y_vector" was declared but never referenced Coords y_vector = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->y_vector; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 317: warning: variable "z_vector" was declared but never referenced Coords z_vector = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->z_vector; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 477: warning: variable "center" was declared but never referenced Coords center = geometry->center; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 839: warning: missing return statement at end of non-void function "sample_cone_intersect" }; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 697: warning: variable "output" was set but never used int output; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 883: warning: missing return statement at end of non-void function "cone_intersect" }; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 854: warning: variable "radius_top" was declared but never referenced double radius_top = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_cone_storage->cone_radius_top; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 855: warning: variable "radius_bottom" was declared but never referenced double radius_bottom = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_cone_storage->cone_radius_bottom; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1129: warning: statement is unreachable return 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 888: warning: variable "center" was declared but never referenced Coords center = geometry->center; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 890: warning: variable "normal_x" was declared but never referenced double *normal_x = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_x; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 891: warning: variable "normal_y" was declared but never referenced double *normal_y = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_y; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 892: warning: variable "normal_z" was declared but never referenced double *normal_z = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_z; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 916: warning: variable "verbal" was declared but never referenced int verbal = 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 925: warning: variable "tmp" was declared but never referenced Coords edge1,edge2,h,s,q,tmp,intersect_pos; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 925: warning: variable "intersect_pos" was declared but never referenced Coords edge1,edge2,h,s,q,tmp,intersect_pos; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 927: warning: variable "this_facet_t" was declared but never referenced double this_facet_t; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 976: warning: variable "C1" was declared but never referenced int C1 = counter; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1143: warning: variable "normal_x" was declared but never referenced double *normal_x = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_x; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1144: warning: variable "normal_y" was declared but never referenced double *normal_y = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_y; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1145: warning: variable "normal_z" was declared but never referenced double *normal_z = geometry->geometry_parameters.p_mesh_storage->normal_z; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1174: warning: variable "center" was declared but never referenced Coords center = geometry->center; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1232: warning: variable "output" was set but never used int output; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1248: warning: variable "tmp" was declared but never referenced Coords edge1,edge2,h,s,q,tmp,intersect_pos; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1248: warning: variable "intersect_pos" was declared but never referenced Coords edge1,edge2,h,s,q,tmp,intersect_pos; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1249: warning: variable "UNION_EPSILON" was declared but never referenced double UNION_EPSILON = 0.0000001; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1250: warning: variable "this_facet_t" was declared but never referenced double this_facet_t; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1685: warning: variable "vector2" is used before its value is set if (verbal == 1) printf("vector1 = (%f,%f,%f)\n",vector1.x,vector1.y,vector2.z); ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1674: warning: variable "seperated" was declared but never referenced int seperated = 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1751: warning: variable "seperated" was declared but never referenced int seperated = 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 1958: warning: variable "seperated" was declared but never referenced int seperated = 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2056: warning: variable "solutions" was declared but never referenced int iterate,number_of_solutions,solutions,number_of_positions = 30; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2242: warning: variable "seperated" was declared but never referenced int seperated = 0; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2435: warning: variable "Y" was declared but never referenced double Y; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2436: warning: variable "max_r" was declared but never referenced double max_r; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2970: warning: variable "Y" was declared but never referenced double Y; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 2971: warning: variable "max_r" was declared but never referenced double max_r; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3370: warning: variable "square_center" is used before its value is set Coords box_end_point = coords_sub(coords_set(0,0,-z_depth/2),square_center); ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3230: warning: variable "is_rectangle" was declared but never referenced int is_rectangle = geometry_box->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->is_rectangle; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3235: warning: variable "y_height2" was declared but never referenced double y_height2 = geometry_box->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->y_height2; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3236: warning: variable "x_vector" was declared but never referenced Coords x_vector = geometry_box->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->x_vector; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3237: warning: variable "y_vector" was declared but never referenced Coords y_vector = geometry_box->geometry_parameters.p_box_storage->y_vector; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3244: warning: variable "Y" was declared but never referenced double Y; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3245: warning: variable "max_r" was declared but never referenced double max_r; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3368: warning: variable "square_offset" was declared but never referenced double square_offset; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3634: warning: variable "debug_dist" was set but never used double debug_dist; ^ "/u/data/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../share/Geometry_functions.c", line 3700: warning: variable "seperated" was declared but never referenced int seperated = 0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 8219: warning: variable "temp_pointer" was declared but never referenced int *temp_pointer; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 8222: warning: variable "mask_global_index" was declared but never referenced int this_mask_status,mask_index,mask_global_index; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 8379: warning: variable "temp_pointer" was declared but never referenced int *temp_pointer; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 8382: warning: variable "mask_global_index" was declared but never referenced int this_mask_status,mask_index,mask_global_index; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 9301: warning: variable "found_index" was declared but never referenced int mask_index,mask_mode,found_index,logic_ALL; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 9210: warning: variable "mask_index" was declared but never referenced int volume_index,mask_volume_number,mask_index; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 9513: warning: variable "mask_index" was declared but never referenced int volume_index,iterate,parent,mask_index,masked_volume_index,ANY_logic,true_parent_volume_number; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 9703: warning: variable "found_index" was declared but never referenced int volume_index,iterate,iterate2,found_index,I_index,I_volume; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 9852: warning: variable "string_output" was declared but never referenced char string_output[124]; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 10256: warning: variable "mask_index" was declared but never referenced int volume_index,iterate,mask_index; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15673: warning: variable "type" was set but never used int p, type; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15890: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i, p, pmax; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15890: warning: variable "p" was declared but never referenced int i, p, pmax; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15890: warning: variable "pmax" was declared but never referenced int i, p, pmax; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15891: warning: variable "h" was declared but never referenced double h = 4.13567; // planck constant in meV*ps ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15892: warning: variable "dkabs" was declared but never referenced double dkabs, Q2, g0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15892: warning: variable "Q2" was declared but never referenced double dkabs, Q2, g0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15892: warning: variable "g0" was set but never used double dkabs, Q2, g0; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15893: warning: variable "xi" was declared but never referenced double xi, dxi, fac1, fac2, yp; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15893: warning: variable "dxi" was declared but never referenced double xi, dxi, fac1, fac2, yp; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15893: warning: variable "fac1" was declared but never referenced double xi, dxi, fac1, fac2, yp; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15893: warning: variable "fac2" was declared but never referenced double xi, dxi, fac1, fac2, yp; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15893: warning: variable "yp" was declared but never referenced double xi, dxi, fac1, fac2, yp; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 15894: warning: variable "filep" was declared but never referenced FILE *filep; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16655: warning: variable "ym" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16655: warning: variable "yp" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16705: warning: variable "ym" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16705: warning: variable "yp" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16755: warning: variable "ym" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 16755: warning: variable "yp" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17256: warning: statement is unreachable *x = -sqrt(-1.0); ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17236: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17285: warning: statement is unreachable printf("sample_u_mph: maxIter reached\n"); ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17262: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17363: warning: statement is unreachable printf("sample_Q2_mph: maxIter reached\n"); ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17292: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17295: warning: variable "x" was set but never used double x, x2, Q2min, Q2max; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17369: warning: variable "np2" was set but never used int i, np, np1, np2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17504: warning: statement is unreachable sq1 = s2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17555: warning: variable "filep" was declared but never referenced FILE *filep; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17604: warning: variable "fmax" was declared but never referenced double u, xs, Q2, dQ2, fmax; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17813: warning: variable "num" was set but never used int i, j, nx, nz, num, p; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17814: warning: variable "tsp" was declared but never referenced double E, x, xmin, xmax, dx, z, dz, u, Q2, tsp, Erat, Q2f; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 17997: warning: variable "Q2g" was declared but never referenced double tsp, g, g0, d2g, Q2g, S; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18014: warning: variable "Q2g" was declared but never referenced double tsp, g, g0, d2g, H, Q2H, Q2g, S; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a0" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a2" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a4" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a6" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a8" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18056: warning: variable "a10" was declared but never referenced double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8, a10; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b0" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b1" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b3" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b5" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b7" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b9" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18057: warning: variable "b11" was declared but never referenced double b0, b1, b3, b5, b7, b9, b11; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18232: warning: variable "d2g1" was set but never used double xi1, tsp1, g1, d2g1, H1, r1; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18233: warning: variable "d2g2" was set but never used double xi2, tsp2, g2, d2g2, H2, r2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18417: warning: variable "ym" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18417: warning: variable "yp" was declared but never referenced double f, ym, yp, u, Fp, ss, x, xmin, xmax, dx; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18750: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 18974: warning: variable "filep" was declared but never referenced FILE *filep; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 19320: warning: variable "h" was declared but never referenced double h = 4.13567; // planck constant in meV*ps ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 44083: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 44138: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 44183: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 44225: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 44732: warning: variable "tc2" was set but never used Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 46055: warning: expression has no effect MPI_MASTER( ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 46055: warning: expression has no effect MPI_MASTER( ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 46055: warning: expression has no effect MPI_MASTER( ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 47442: warning: variable "physics_output" was set but never used int physics_output; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 51160: warning: variable "t" was declared but never referenced time_t t; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 51161: warning: variable "ct" was set but never used clock_t ct; ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 1337: warning: variable "mcstartdate" was set but never used static long mcstartdate = 0; /* start simulation time */ ^ "./Union_IncoherentPhonon_test.c", line 2636: warning: function "strcpy_valid" was declared but never referenced static char *strcpy_valid(char *valid, char *original) ^ sort_absorb_last: 4177, Generating Multicore code 4184, #pragma acc loop gang 4195, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4196, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4197, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4198, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: i 4200, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4201, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4202, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4203, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: j 4225, Generating Multicore code 4229, #pragma acc loop gang 4232, Accelerator restriction: size of the GPU copy of particles is unknown 4249, Generating Multicore code 4253, #pragma acc loop gang raytrace_all_funnel: 49253, Generating Multicore code 49257, #pragma acc loop gang 49264, Generating Multicore code 49269, #pragma acc loop gang 49368, Generating Multicore code 49371, #pragma acc loop gang INFO: ===