loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/McCode/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcstas-test/McStas-2.x_CPU_MPICC/mccode_config.json INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./ILL_D4.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./ILL_D4.out INFO: === Simulation 'ILL_D4' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-10-01/McStas-2.x_CPU_MPICC_5e7/ILL_D4/ILL_D4.instr): running on 16 nodes (master is 'elearn1.fysik.dtu.dk', MPI version 3.1). ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: is a cylinder: radius=0.004000 thickness=0.000000 height=0.040000 [J Comp Phys 228 (2009) 5251] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/2.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/SiO2_liq.qSq' (Table_Read_Offset) ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] ILL_D4: Detailed DIF configuration * Incoming beam: lambda=0.7 [Angs] EI=166.9 [meV] KI=8.976 [Angs-1] Vi=5651.48 [m/s] * Monochromator: DM=1.807 [Angs] RV=-0.7182 [m] curved, take-off A1=-11.17 [deg] [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize [ILL_D4] Initialize Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McStas/mcstas/2.x-dev/tools/Python/mcrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/SiO2_liq.qSq' (Table_Read_Offset) Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Computing scattering unit density V_rho=0.0220518 [AA^-3] from density=2.2 [g/cm^3] weight=60.08 [g/mol]. Isotropic_sqw: Converting 2467 S(q) from SiO2_liq.qSq into S(q,w) data Isotropic_sqw: q range [0:49.971], creating 2467 elements vector Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Generated SiO2_liq.qSq coherent Sqw q=[0:49.971 Angs-1] w=[0:0 meV] |S|=1.01457 size=[2499x1] sigma=10.6 [barns] Mainly elastic scattering. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Using Isotropic elastic incoherent scattering (sigma=0.0056 [barns]) Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Sample temperature not defined (T=0). Warning Disabling detailed balance. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Focusing can only apply for single scattering. Setting to order=1. Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 47 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 47 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 47 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 Trace ETA 46 [s] % 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Save [ILL_D4] Detector: PSD_I=2.81685e+09 PSD_ERR=1.02627e+06 PSD_N=7.54308e+06 "PSD1.dat" Detector: Lmon1_I=1.01084e+10 Lmon1_ERR=1.94408e+06 Lmon1_N=2.707e+07 "Lmon1.dat" Detector: Lmon2_I=4.30959e+09 Lmon2_ERR=401266 Lmon2_N=1.15465e+08 "Lmon2.dat" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Detector: Sample_mon_I=1.8449e+08 Sample_mon_ERR=27599.9 Sample_mon_N=4.47058e+07 "Sample_mon_1664578629.x_y" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Detector: BananaTheta_I=1.46026e+06 BananaTheta_ERR=636.227 BananaTheta_N=9.63431e+06 "BananaTheta_1664578629.th" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 44 [s] Detector: BananaPSD_I=1.75657e+06 BananaPSD_ERR=710.885 BananaPSD_N=1.13209e+07 "BananaPSD_1664578629.th_y" Finally [ILL_D4: 1]. Time: 45 [s] Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: 19 neutron events (out of 22634104) that should have scattered were transmitted because scattering conditions WARNING could not be satisfied after 100 tries. Isotropic_Sqw: Sample: Scattering fraction=0.148683 of incoming intensity Absorption fraction =0.00609367 Single scattering intensity =3.51232e+06 (coh=3.51044e+06 inc=1881.64) Multiple scattering intensity =0 INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-10-01/McStas-2.x_CPU_MPICC_5e7/ILL_D4/ILL_D4.instr in dataset 1