INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./BNL_H8_simple.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./BNL_H8_simple.out INFO: === Simulation 'BNL_H8' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-04-01/McStas_8GPU_5e7/BNL_H8_simple/BNL_H8_simple.instr): running on 8 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 7. Will use device 0. Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 0. Will use device 0. Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 5. Will use device 0. Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 6. Will use device 0. Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 1. Will use device 0. Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 4. Will use device 0. Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 3. Will use device 0. Have found 1 GPU devices on rank 2. Will use device 0. Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Instrument: BNL_H8 on localhost. Monochromator : DM = 3.3539 A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg) Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs *** TRACE end *** Detector: D0_Source_I=0.00316656 D0_Source_ERR=1.97183e-06 D0_Source_N=2.5789e+06 "D0_Source.psd" Detector: D1_SC1_Out_I=0.0204197 D1_SC1_Out_ERR=5.00546e-06 D1_SC1_Out_N=1.6736e+07 "D1_SC1_Out.psd" Detector: D2_A4_I=0.0137544 D2_A4_ERR=4.1085e-06 D2_A4_N=1.12898e+07 "D2_A4.psd" Detector: D4_SC2_In_I=0.00154986 D4_SC2_In_ERR=1.37926e-06 D4_SC2_In_N=1.28119e+06 "D4_SC2_In.psd" Detector: D5_SC2_Out_I=0.00121179 D5_SC2_Out_ERR=1.21949e-06 D5_SC2_Out_N=1.0097e+06 "D5_SC2_Out.psd" Detector: D7_SC3_In_I=1.24559e-07 D7_SC3_In_ERR=3.1806e-10 D7_SC3_In_N=168268 "D7_SC3_In.psd" Detector: D8_SC3_Out_I=2.38638e-08 D8_SC3_Out_ERR=1.3996e-10 D8_SC3_Out_N=31890 "D8_SC3_Out.psd" Detector: D10_SC4_In_I=1.20981e-09 D10_SC4_In_ERR=3.15114e-11 D10_SC4_In_N=1624 "D10_SC4_In.psd" Detector: He3H_I=9.33433e-10 He3H_ERR=2.76885e-11 He3H_N=1251 "He3.psd" INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-04-01/McStas_8GPU_5e7/BNL_H8_simple/BNL_H8_simple.instr in dataset 1 loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/McCode/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcstas-test/McStas_8GPU/mccode_config.json