INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "ILL_H5_20220201_004037" INFO: Regenerating c-file: ILL_H5.c DEBUG: CMD: mcstas -t -o ./ILL_H5.c /home/nexmap/pkwi/TESTS/2022-02-01/McStas_8GPU_5e7/ILL_H5/ILL_H5.instr CFLAGS= WARNING: The parameter format of HCS_Al is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter powder_format of H53_IN14_Sample is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter rUpPar of H53_CryoEDM_polariser is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter rDownPar of H53_CryoEDM_polariser is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter rUpPar of IN15_Vpolariser is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter rDownPar of IN15_Vpolariser is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. WARNING: The parameter rPar of IN15_Vpolariser is intitalized using a static {,,,} vector. -> Such static vectors support literal numbers ONLY. -> Any vector use of variables or defines must happen via a DECLARE/INITIALIZE pointer. ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 9, H53_origin --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 10, H52_origin --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 11, H51_origin --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 26, H53_IN14_Monochromator_Jumper --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 79, H53_IN16_Monochromator_Jumper --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 94, H53_D16_Monochromator_Jumper --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 110, H53_SADAM_Monochromator_Jumper --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 154, H51_split_2 --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL WARNING: --> JUMP found at COMPONENT 155, H51_split_1 --> JUMPS are not supported in FUNNEL mode and are ignored --> Your instrument may give different output with FUNNEL ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Recompiling: ./ILL_H5.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./ILL_H5.out ./ILL_H5.c -lm -DUSE_MPI -lmpi -L/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -I/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -ta:tesla,managed -DOPENACC "./ILL_H5.c", line 1437: warning: arithmetic on pointer to void or function type if (MPI_Send((void*)(sbuf+offset*dsize), length, dtype, dest, tag++, MPI_COMM_WORLD) != MPI_SUCCESS) ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 1464: warning: arithmetic on pointer to void or function type if (MPI_Recv((void*)(sbuf+offset*dsize), length, dtype, source, tag++, ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 3183: warning: missing return statement at end of non-void function "siminfo_init" } /* siminfo_init */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 12057: warning: variable "n" was declared but never referenced double n; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 12036: warning: variable "w_c" was declared but never referenced double w_c = 0; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 12037: warning: variable "w_l" was declared but never referenced double w_l = 0; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 11948: warning: variable "w_c" was declared but never referenced t_Table w_c, w_l; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 11948: warning: variable "w_l" was declared but never referenced t_Table w_c, w_l; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 13911: warning: variable "count" was declared but never referenced long count=0; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 14002: warning: missing return statement at end of non-void function "interpolator_interpolate" } // interpolator_interpolate ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 15907: warning: variable "tc2" was declared but never referenced Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 15908: warning: variable "tr1" was declared but never referenced Rotation tr1; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 33539: warning: nested comment is not allowed /* compute H53 parameters: IN14 */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34513: warning: incompatible redefinition of macro "exit" (declared at line 406) #define exit(...) noprintf() ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34514: warning: incompatible redefinition of macro "strcmp" (declared at line 13959) #define strcmp(a,b) str_comp(a,b) ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34876: warning: variable "type" was set but never used char type = '\0'; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34877: warning: variable "itype" was set but never used int itype = 0; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34880: warning: variable "nb_reuses" was declared but never referenced int nb_reuses = line_info.nb_reuses; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34883: warning: variable "vcache" was set but never used double vcache = line_info.v; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34887: warning: variable "lfree" was set but never used double lfree = line_info.lfree; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34889: warning: variable "xs_compute" was declared but never referenced long xs_compute = line_info.xs_compute; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34890: warning: variable "xs_reuse" was declared but never referenced long xs_reuse = line_info.xs_reuse; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34891: warning: variable "xs_calls" was declared but never referenced long xs_calls = line_info.xs_calls; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 34893: warning: variable "dq" was set but never used double dq = line_info.dq; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 36313: warning: variable "Ei" was set but never used double k=0, Ei=0; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 36344: warning: variable "ti" was set but never used double ki_x,ki_y,ki_z,ti,vi,ki; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 36345: warning: variable "tf" was set but never used double kf_x,kf_y,kf_z,tf,kf; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 36345: warning: variable "kf" was set but never used double kf_x,kf_y,kf_z,tf,kf; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 37550: warning: statement is unreachable break; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 37338: warning: variable "R" was declared but never referenced double R; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 37650: warning: variable "l_i" was set but never used double l_i, l_o=0; /* Flight path lenght in/out for scattered neutron */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 37650: warning: variable "l_o" was declared but never referenced double l_i, l_o=0; /* Flight path lenght in/out for scattered neutron */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 49378: warning: variable "t" is used before its value is set mcstartdate = (long)t; /* set start date before parsing options and creating sim file */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 49318: warning: variable "ct" was declared but never referenced clock_t ct; ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 1255: warning: variable "mcstartdate" was set but never used static long mcstartdate = 0; /* start simulation time */ ^ "./ILL_H5.c", line 2496: warning: function "strcpy_valid" was declared but never referenced static char *strcpy_valid(char *valid, char *original) ^ NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: par (./ILL_H5.c: 35764) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 36365) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 36365) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 36365) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 37364) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 37670) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 37670) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: rotLM (./ILL_H5.c: 37670) NVC++/x86-64 Linux 21.7-0: compilation completed with warnings INFO: === loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/McCode/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcstas-test/McStas_8GPU/mccode_config.json